YMCA Day of Giving 2022
The YMCA Day of Giving is an annual one-day event, that provides an opportunity to give to your local YMCA. This year, it falls on Tuesday, March 1st. The Y is one of the nation’s leading nonprofits dedicated to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. At the Avery YMCA your donation directly supports our Community Outreach & Y-Access programs. These programs help your neighbors in need gain access to essential community resources, social interaction and support through healthy living programs. They ensure that none of our area youth misses an opportunity to learn to swim or play sports due to financial disparity; and they make it possible for every household to have the opportunity to enjoy full benefits of a YMCA membership!
No gift is too small to make a big impact!
Unable to give financially? Consider donating your time as a Volunteer with the Williams YMCA.